Sunday, March 26, 2006

2006 Abel Prize for Mathematics.

The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters has announced this week the winner of the 2006 Abel Prize: Lennart Carleson of the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. The announcement made by the president of the Norwegian Academy, Ole Didrik Lærum, indicates the selection was made based on Carleston outstanding contributions to the field of harmonic analysis.

The Niels Henrik Abel Memorial Fund was established in 2002 to recognize
outstanding scientific work in the field of mathematics. The prize is US$ 920,000.

Carleson’s publications include, the article:
Carleson, Lennart, “On Convergence and Growth of Partial Sums of Fourier Series.”
Acta Mathematica. V. 116, 1966 p.135-157.
And the book: Carleson, Lennart, Selected Problems on Exceptional Sets. Princeton, N.J: Van Nostrand. 1967.