Monday, January 09, 2006

Citation Analysis and the Scientific World.

2005 was the 50th year anniversary of the creation of the Science Citation Index. Citation analysis since then has had a significant impact in the scientific and technical world. To celebrate this event Current Science Online in its November 10, 2005, 89(9) issue published a Special Section. The articles included in this section are listed below.


Early impressions of citation indexing, Joshua Lederberg, p. 1502.
‘Citation Indexes for Science’ – A 50 year citation history, Olle Persson, p. 1503.
A hundred million acts of whimsy? Blaise Cronin, 1505.
Evaluation of research and evolution of science indicators, Loet Leydesdorff, p. 1510.
Citation and hyperlink networks, Andrea Scharnhorst and Mike Thelwall, p. 1518.
Beyond SCI citations – New ways to evaluate research, Grant Lewison, 1524.
The emergence of competitors to the Science Citation Index and the Web of Science, Dana L. Roth, 1531.
As we may search – Comparison of major features of the Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar citation-based and citation-enhanced databases, Peter Jacso, 1537.
Counting the gatekeepers of international science journals a worthwhile science indicator, Tibor Braun and Ildikó Dióspatonyi, 1548.
Mapping the global structure of Antarctic research vis-à-vis Antarctic Treaty System, Prabir G. Dastidar and Olle Persson, 1552.

Also an article in The Scientist 19(20): 24, October 24, 2005 “The Future of Citation Analysis” by Jeffrey M. Perkel is a tribute to Eugene Garfield the proponent and creator of SCI.