Monday, December 26, 2005

DASER 2 Summit.

The DASER 2 Summit: Challenge and Opportunities: Digital Libraries, Institutional Repositories, and Open Access took place 2-4 December 2005 at College Park, MD.
DASER which stands for Digital Archives for Science & Engineering Resources was a conference organized with the support of the American Society for Information Science & Technology (ASIST), Scientific and Technical Information Systems Special Interest Group (SIG STI), and the Potomac Valley Chapter (PVC), in cooperation with the Special Libraries Association, Sci-Tech Division. This conference brought an important group of information professionals to discuss issues concerning the changes that science and technical libraries are undergoing. Among them: the “Impact of OA on the future of STM libraries; Institutional repository models: what works and what doesn't; Publisher-library collaboration strategies, now and in the near future; Institutional repository object issues--theses, datasets, learning objects, etc.; User needs and patterns related to digital libraries.”

The program schedule with abstracts including PowerPoint presentations from most of the contributors are available at: