Monday, January 30, 2006

Images in Scientific Research and the Digital World.

Manipulation of images in scientific research publications is one of the temptations in presenting information in a digital format. Recently, several of these manipulations have been reported and some publishers are considering creating guidelines for “testing” the originality of images included in research articles. Nicholas Wade shows through very simple examples how the retouching of images can be detected.

It May Look Authentic; Here's How to Tell It Isn't.
By Nicholas Wade, The New York Times, Science, January 24, 2006

NSF 2005 Year in Review.

The National Science Foundation (NSF) an agency of the U.S.A. government responsible for promoting progress in the scientific community and also a major source of funding for scientific research has released their 2005: Year in Review. Dated January 11 2006, this publication highlights the most significant accomplishments for the year.